The COVID-19 epidemic has been accompanied by an uptick in depression symptoms as well as a rising consciousness of systemic racism and health disparities in the United States. For a study, researchers sought to investigate the relationship between mental health and commonplace prejudice throughout the All of Us Research Program pandemic.
Mixed-effects models were fitted to assess the associations of discrimination with depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation using repeated assessments in the early months of the pandemic, and inverse probability weights were used to account for nonrandom probabilities of completing the voluntary survey. The 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Everyday Discrimination Scale were used, respectively, to determine the exposure and outcome measures. Any affirmative response to the ninth item on the PHQ-9 scale was taken into consideration as displaying suicidal thoughts, and scores for the PHQ-9 that was more than or equal to 10 were classed as moderate to severe depressive symptoms.
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