Racism expressed through cultural norms can perpetuate negative health outcomes for nonwhite groups, according to a study by UC Berkeley School of Public Health.
Researchers reviewed sociological and racism research to determine the effects of cultural racism on public health for the report, published in the Milbank Quarterly. The authors concluded that this type of racism can create similar health disparities as overt and institutional forms of racism.
Cultural racism is the widespread values and beliefs that normalize white socioeconomic power. It’s made visible by way of the language, symbols, and media of dominant social groups, according to lead author and health equity researcher Dr. Eli Michaels, who received her Ph.D. from Berkeley Public Health in 2022 and is now a health equity researcher at Mathematica.
Read more on the original article : https://universityofcalifornia.edu/news/cultural-racism-worsens-health-inequities-between-racial-groups