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LGBT+ in pharmacy: pride despite prejudice

'Tolerance' and six-striped rainbow logos do not go far enough; we need to challenge attitudes"

As we celebrate LGBT+ Pride month, Scott Rutherford reflects on the barriers that remain in the healthcare system, recounting experiences of fellow LGBT+ professionals

Community pharmacies are undoubtedly some of the most accessible healthcare hubs in the country – but for whom?

According to ‘LGBT in Britain: Health Report’ by Stonewall, one in seven LGBT+ people avoid seeking healthcare due to their fear of being discriminated against based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

This fear is not unfounded: nearly a quarter of LGBT+ people said they had witnessed discriminatory or negative remarks against LGBT+ people by healthcare staff. The current scarcity of teaching about the care of LGBT+ people within the education and training of healthcare professionals (unless in the stigmatising context of HIV and sexual health) no doubt contributes to the misunderstanding and misconceptions about LGBT+ people.

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