Breaking down prejudices: Yoga lessons for men: "There's a lot of laughter and cursing. Sometimes we drink a beer afterwards"
It is hard to imagine today that yoga was once a purely male domain.
It is hard to imagine today that yoga was once a purely male domain. Originally developed by men for men, the relationship has now reversed. A study by the professional association of yoga teachers in Germany from 2018 showed that nine percent of all women in Germany regularly climb onto the mat. For men, on the other hand, only one percent find their way into the yoga class. The fact that comparatively few men practice the Indian doctrine is partly due to the imbalanced gender ratio. The courses are filled with women, men are outnumbered - and feel out of place. Eric Sommer, yoga teacher and mindfulness trainer from Hamburg, counteracts this problem with an all-men class - called "Yogajunx". With the course, Eric Sommer wants to give men an introduction to Indian practice. His offer is intended to create a safe space in which male participants can feel comfortable and overcome fears and advantages.
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