Youth Spaces free of rumours – Città del Dialogo launches a new pilot project
Running from November 2021 to April 2022 the project “Youth Spaces Free of Rumours” will promote experimental pathways to youth engagement aimed to foster young people’s civic role and their intellectual and social potential to fight discrimination within youth spaces by freeing them from prejudice.
In particular, the project will pilot actions aimed at giving youth a more prominent role in the fight against discrimination on the grounds of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ethnic background, disability, etc., by applying the innovative “anti-rumours” methodology developed by the Council of Europe.
In fact, tor the re-appropriation of spaces by youth (especially after the Covid-19 sanitary emergency), it is important to empower young people through the development of knowledge, skills and tools they can use to become more active citizens. The Anti-Rumours methodology will be therefore tested within youth centres, mobilising young people towards the achievement of “free of prejudice” centres.
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