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Racist anti-migrants ship in the Mediterranean in need of fresh money

The «C-Star», a 40 metre long chartered «research» ship, first under Djibouti flag, was originally heading to Catania, Sicily, where it was forbidden to dock by order of the mayor of Catania, Enzo Bianco. Then the Tunisians, including fishermen, hindered the vessel from docking at Tunisian harbours and from refuelling. This blockade is backed by George Soros through his organisations and allied NGOs… Its far-right crew, mostly in their twenties and thirties, is composed by members of the «Identitarian Movement», such as: Jean-David Cattin of Geneva, 32, a former Swiss lieutenant who was fired because of Neo-Nazi activities and is now living in Nice, France; Clément Galant of Lyon; the Austrian Martin Sellner, as well as other weirdos who want to «defend Europe» against refugees coming from Africa via the Libyan coast. However, the young «Aryan Goddess» Lauren Southern from Canada was not yet seen on board…

The ship had already been held back by Egypt on its way through the Suez Canal and in the Turkish-Cypriot harbour Famagusta where it changed its flag to that of Mongolia (!)… Each day, the ship costs about 10.000 USD, and it is not sure if donations and crowd-funding will admit more than a month of this sick but dangerous game going on, because this would put the lives of the refugees on their unseaworthy boats and of the rescue activists – like recently those of the rescue ship «Aquarius» near the Libyan coast – even more at risk. These young fascists want – like Brussels, and especially Berlin – to cooperate with the Libyan cost-guard in order to hinder refugees, especially Africans from entering Europe… Hence the operation name and hashtag #DefendEurope.

Maybe it is really just a publicity stunt, but it was very carefully prepared and and announced in the social networks, including YouTube, and in the public media. Of course, these more or less young people play automatically the game of far-right politicians and might be useful for Merkel’s re-election campaign, but they might also contribute to a rising pogrom atmosphere everywhere in Europe, especially in Italy that is run over by Africans on their way to Switzerland and especially to mount Brenner, the main border spot between Italy and Austria, with nearby Bavaria…

Now the rescue activists hope that the tanks of the «C-Star» will soon be empty and must be refuelled offshore, or towed, both at very high costs. Maybe the crew will just abandon the ship on sea or onshore, unless somebody is funding the operation «Defend Europe» more or less openly. But who would be able to do this? German or other European billionnaires or organisations? Already now Libya’s coast guard and authorities are abusing migrants with the help of E.U. funding, also in concentration camps.

Author : Harry R. Wilkens


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